“Thank you Blaauwberg Therapy Centre for many years of helpful therapy, kindness and care.
The treatment I have received has relieved and encouraged me. Gill you are a Super Woman!
Thank you
Beth Bourne”
Ek het ‘n geskiedenis van baie intense nek-spasmas wat aanvanklik weke se behandeling geverg het voordat daar enige verligting was. Dit was gedurende een van daardie episodes dat my pad met Mandy gekruis het. Sy het voorgestel dat ek voorkomende behandelings oorweeg om die gereelde spasmas te vermy. Ek besoek Mandy sedert elke ses weke vir die voorgestelde behandeling en het ‘n normale, pynlose lewe. Die episodes is beperk tot een, miskien twee maal per jaar in uitsonderlike stresvolle tye. Dankie Mandy, jy het werklik ‘n verskil in my lewe gemaak.
Phyllis Liebenberg
Just a few words to say that I, Jennifer Nieuwstad, have been under Mandy Knaap’s care for at least 15 years, and will continue receiving her treatment for as long as possible. Her integrity towards clients and her business and co-workers and staff, is perfect. Her knowledge, and continued learnings and attendance to workshops, is amazing and to be admired. Anyone reading this – and you suffer from some sort of discomfort within your muscles and or bones – book yourself in and be prepared for excellent treatment. August 2016
Jennifer Nieuwstad
I’ve had neck and back problems for a number of years and have had 2 neck operations.
I have been a patient of Blaauwberg Therapy centre and Mandy for almost 9 vears, with regular physio support from Mandy and her team, I’m able to go to gym and be physically active.
Tim Resnekov
l wanted to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to the both of you for accommodating me on Saturday. I was extremely impressed with your practice and thoroughly enjoyed watching and learning from you, Mandy, I can see why your clients return to you when they require treatment and I thought it was really nice of you for explaining each step to me as you continued with the treatment. I will definitely be contacting you soon for a treatment. I look forward to seeing you then.
Enjoy the week ahead. Kindest Regards,
Nathalie Glenn – Job Shadow Student
I have been a patient of Mandy Knaap for about 15 years. I have been treated for various problems over the years, which have included a pinched nerve in my neck / headaches, back pain & sciatica and most recently pre and post surgery for a knee operation.
I only have good things to say about Mandy, her practice and her team. If I have not been treated by Mandy personally I have been treated by one of her physiotherapists. She applies strict criteria when employing people and I have all all times felt that I am in capable hands.
When undergoing my neck fusion 4 years ago and again a month ago with my knee op (Arthroplasty / meniscus debridement), I have always received good care and advice. After my recent surgery I was informed by the Orthopaedic Knee Surgeion (Dr Richard von Bormann) that I needed a physio and asked whether I wanted to use his physio or whether I had a physio of choice? I informed him that I am a regular patient of Mandy Knaap, to which he replied “perfect – she is good!” Well that speaks for itself.”
Kim Levin
I have been a patient of Mandy Knaap for 24 years on and off as required for various injuries. I have found Mandy and the staff at her practice professional, helpful, friendly and accommodating. A number of my friends, staff and acquaintances have also made use of Mandy’s services over the years. One and all we agree that we receive exceptional care and service. I would recommend Mandy’s service to anyone, she takes an interest in her patients and goes the extra mile to assist them.
Elana Edwards
Riverside College
I highly recommend Mandy as a very efficient, professional, experienced and a caring physiotherapist.
I have been a patient of hers for 17 years and she has assisted me during many of my back operations, pre-op and post-op.
She is always finding ways of updating her knowledge and learning more about the latest ways and techniques of how to better her treatment of patients.
She is definitely the only person I will always go to fix all my aches and pains.
Kindest Regards