What are the general trends of motor development in a child 4 – 10 years?
4 – 5 years
- norms of the 4 year old can vary widely therefore interpret with caution
- weight shift and trunk rotation is still developing
- total flexion and extension patterns are still evident
- movement patterns are only briefly sustained
- a wide base of support is still evident
- they are able to integrate either upper or lower limbs symmetrically,however not both upper and lower limbs simultaneously
- children are heavily reliant on input from all the sensory systems
5 – 6 years
- Weight shift is used actively
- The abdominal become more active and the lordosis is less evident
- Trunk rotation and midline crossing is more apparent
- As the demands of a task increase, there is a tendency to revert back to mass patterns of flexion and extension. While moving forwards they feed into a flexion pattern and when moving backwards feed into an extension pattern
- Balance has improved remarkably from 4 years, but they still need to fix distally with hands, feet and mouth
- Balance has improved remarkably from 4 years, but
- they still need to fix distally with hands, feet and mouth
- Upper and lower limbs are integrated in symmetrical patterns.
6 -7 years
- The ability to sustain movement patterns is established over this period
- Movements are becoming smoother and more rhythmical while grading is still developing
- Central stability is maturing
- Occasional fixing is still observed
- Balance reactions are more efficient
7 – 8 years
- Little overflow of movement into the extremities is observed
- Movements are well dissociated
- Boys become less familiar with some skills such as gallop and skipping
- Movements are more rhythmical and grading is more controlled
- Exposure to specialized activities such as gymnastics or ballet, may affect the way in which the child performs
8 – 9 years
- Controlled grading, stability and balance resulting in well integrated movement patterns
- Dissociation has improved remarkably and child more stable
- Gender differences more obvious
- More relaxed and moves with ease
- Skills acquired at previous age bands can be lost and regained, as they are not practiced in play
9 – 10 years
- Growth spurt during this period affects body image and may influence previously skilled motor patterns
- Generally fast movers
- Gender differences continue to be evident